Author Christine M Knight’s Blog

So What’s Up with Sexual Harassment?

So what’s being done about sexual harassment? Apart from awareness heightening posters and mandatory training on equity and diversity that reinforce that it is wrong, there are not any genuine consequences to sexual harassers or workplace bullies. Compare the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace versus drug abuse. People found guilty of drug abuse can be dismissed on the grounds of unsafe practice in the workplace. Surely, the cost to the workplace associated with mental health issues for people subjected to sexual harassment and/or bullying are an even greater cost than drug abuse. The grounds for dismissal are the same: unsafe workplace practice that threatens the wellbeing of others in the workplace not to mention the health of the workplace itself.

Values are embedded in everything we do and say as well as what is not said or done. Workplace lip service about sexual harassment with genuine punitive consequences to harassers makes a joke of the policy and in reality is a form of endorsement of the harassment.